Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Gift Basket for Faraway Family Members

I know very well what it's like to have family who live far away. When I was growing 6.8SPC Ammo my grandparents and aunts/uncles and cousins lived across the ocean. When I had my own kids, their grandparents and aunts/ uncles lived on the other side of the country. Now that my sister has 2 small children, the youngest of whom I've never met, this being far away has hit me again. How can we show far away family, especially when children are involved, that we want to be close and stay connected?

We could design Arms85410 gift basket for family members who live far away, just to say we care. We would put into several mementos that make the distance between us seem smaller.

If we have young children, we could send grandparents a digital picture frame. In case you're wondering what a digital picture frame is; it Military Combat Loads a device about the size and shape of a picture frame that has a LCD screen. The screen displays multiple photos in a slide show format, and it connects to the Internet via the phone line to download new pictures and information to display. You use your 6.8SPC Ammo to upload photos to a website and every day the frame uses the phone line to connect to the website and download any new photos. This is an ideal way to send digital photos of the family to grandparents who lack a computer and/or the skills to use one.

We could also include a DVD, or a video depending on the equipment we and they have, of some recent activity; perhaps our child scoring a goal at soccer or performing in a recital, or even just a family picnic or something like that. Photos are great, certainly better than nothing, but they just don't show you what the child is really like as well as video does. They don't give you as much of a feeling of being there as a movie does. We could also include a tape (either audiotape or videotape) of our child giving the recipient a special message.

Of course we could always send regular photos too. One idea to make a photo special is to cut out the shape of the children (the important part) and have it glued onto a plastic block so that it stands upright by itself. Another idea is to frame the photo in a magnetic frame that is suitable for the holiday so that it is easy to put on the Sporting Goods 6.8SPC Ammo I have one on my fridge right now that is a heart frame for Valentines Day. You can often get these at places like Target. We could include a picture the child has drawn or painted, or even a small thing the child has made himself if the child likes to do crafts.

Of course, most of these ideas are not just for children and grandparents, although I know that the time when you feel the farthest away from your family is when either you are a child away from grandparents, or you are away from a small child, especially a grandchild. These ideas can be applied to any faraway family members. When family members move away is when they most need to know that we're thinking of them. A gift basket would be a great way to reassure them of this.

Tracy Crowe loves to feel connected and closer to her family.

6 Ways To Uplift Your Spirits

Our journey to the lost destination is never a smooth ride to say the least. It could be a bad day at work, an argument with a friend, relationship Sporting Goods 6.8SPC Ammo … the list goes on.

Life smacks us hard when we least expect it. How well equipped are we to handle such incidents?

While we have friends and family to get us through these periods, it requires a fair amount 5.56 Ammo effort on our part as well. So what can Guns25053 do ?

#1. Pamper yourself

Have you ever noticed that pampering yourself goes a long way towards making you feel good? For some people, its shopping, working on the car, playing the guitar, taking a long bubble bath, exercising, eating ice cream …..

What makes you feel comforted?

#2.Remember good times

When we go through a rough patch, it is the bad memories that keep hunting us. Take a stroll down memory lane (use a photo album if you have to!) and remember the good old .499 LWRC Cases when life was less weary.

#3. There's no point 308 Manufacturer Ammo asking your self 'Why'

Have you been running round in circles in your mind, wondering why. Why Me, why , oh why. True, it's hard not to.

I think only God has the answers to all "why" questions. In the meantime, you can ask a different question. "What did I learn?"

#4. Help someone

"Happiness is a by product of an effort to make someone else happy."

Helping someone will make you feel needed. I'm sure whoever it is, will be appreciative of your effort. It will also help, to keep you occupied.

#5. Remember the less fortunate

A few months ago, I used to visit a neurology ward twice a day, everyday for nearly three weeks. Walking through the beds on either side made me feel very lucky. Mainly because, I was the Military Combat Loads not the patient! Most of the patients warded, couldn't walk and/or talk. Additionally, some even had eyesight problems.

Anyway, that was a couple of months back when my father underwent brain surgery. I still think about some patients, which I came to know during that period. I wonder what their fate is, at the moment.

Whenever I feel down, I do my best to recall my time at the ward. It reminds me that there are others, who are in a lot worse position, than I am.

#6 Tough times don't last tough people do

"Time heals all wounds" is the popular advice. Have you ever felt like slapping anyone

who gave this advice? I'm sure they all mean well. Somehow, when we have sunk real deep, its difficult to come to terms that one day it will be "alright". Even though at the time you don't admit it or even consider the possibility, from life experiences I can say that it is true. I bet if you were to recap your past, you can too! One day at a time takes us to "happy land", eventually.

Shamelle Perera is a Senior Software Engineer by profession. During her spare time, she enjoys putting thoughts into words. Her writing has been published in Top7Business, EzineArticles, GoodInfo and several anthologies.