Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How To Treat Sleep Deprivation Using CPAP

Treating sleep deprivation using CPAP is considered as an effective treatment strategy. Sleep derivation is 7.62x51mm Ammunition condition in which 5.56 Ammo for Sale patient cannot experience Black Hills Ammunition continuous sleep. It is considered to be one of the serious disorders since it may lead to many other risky medical conditions. The usual sleep deprivation treatment methods focus on the cure of the underlying cause of the disorder and its associated symptoms, to give a permanent cure for the patient. However, the discovery of the cause Custom Brass Cases not be easy most times, hence, the medical field has been constantly searching for a solution for sleep deprivation. Today, CPAP is considered as one of the best solution for sleep deprivation.

CPAP, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, is a treatment method for sleep deprivation mainly for the types caused because of breathing problems such as sleep apnea and hypnoapneas. The breathing problems while sleeping may be due to obstructions such as relaxed muscles in the air passage while normal breathing pressure will not be sufficient to overcome these obstructions. The principle of CPAP is based on this fact and it is designed in such a manner to provide compressed air with necessary Frangible Armor Piercing Ammo which will be sufficient to induce the normal respiration.

In CPAP treatment, a mechanical device is the main part, which can control the air pressure. The CPAP apparatus includes the machine and air outlet, which looks like a mask. The modern versions of CPAP are designed in convenient shapes such as pillows. While lying on the bed, the mask has to be put on the face and air path will be directed straight into the nostrils. During the sleep it will provide the air in the required pressure continuously, as its name indicates, and avoids the disturbances in the sleep.

The amount of pressure to be used for air supply, called titrated pressure, is the most important factor in the CPAP treatment. It has to be determined from overnight sleep studies in the laboratory. Sleep technician can program the particular titrated pressure value in the machine and the machine will deliver air in the particular value every night. There are different types of machines available in the market. In automatic CPAP machines, the usually recommended pressure values will be already recorded in it and the sleep technician has to just choose the value. In some models humidifiers are integrated in CPAP apparatus to avoid the dryness of the compressed air.

CPAP is considered as a successful treatment method for sleep deprivation since in most cases, patients can completely recover from their sleep problem. However, it will be uncomfortable for some patients to start the treatment as the masks will be disturbing for them. In conclusion, the evidences show that they will soon get ride of the uneasiness and will become comfortable with it. CPAP in sleep deprivation treatment can thus, attribute a good quality sleep to many people and save them from the danger of serious risks.

In addition to sleep treatment in adults, it is also useful to treat premature infants.

Jason Rickard is the owner of Your Favourite Shop - - Offering White Noise and Relaxation CDs - Visit Hapa Health - for more articles.

Power Nap Your Way To Success

A "power nap" .499 LWRC ammunition Frangible Armor Piercing Ammo used to be Guns25053 a catnap. The new term was apparently coined by social psychologist James Maas. It is a short nap that is designed to refresh you, 6mm ammo for sale make you more productive. Does it work?

Dr. Sara Mednick, a researcher at the frangible bullets for law enforcement Institute for Biological Studies, says napping benefits cell repair, heart function, and hormonal maintenance. What a power nap does is maximize these benefits, by getting the rejuvenative effects in as short a time as possible. Brain function is helped as well. A NASA study found that naps don't aid alertness, but they do improve memory functions.

Other recent research shows that power naps can boost productivity, lower stress, and improve learning and mood (no surprise there). Analyzing the MRIs of nappers, researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies found that with a nap, brain activity stays high throughout the day. Skip the nap, however, and brain activity declines as the day goes on.

Many who are deficient on regular night time sleep make time for short naps during the day. Steve Fossett says that when he made his record 67-hour flight around-the-world alone in his jet, he took a couple dozen two-to-three minute naps as his only sleep. He claims that he awoke refreshed. When Lance Armstrong was training for his Tour-de-France bicycle races, naps were an important part of his routine. U.S. Marines in Iraq are instructed to take a power nap before going out on patrol.

Napping 101

Sleep comes in several stages. A power nap aims at achieving just the first two stages. These are the stage of relaxation and slower respiration, and the second stage - light restful sleep. The first stage takes about ten minutes. The second can last for ten to twenty minutes. Based on this, many people consider 20 minutes the ideal length for a power nap.

Length is open to debate, though. It seems likely that ideal length varies for individuals. Your own ideal nap length is probably best determined through experimentation. The important point here is that if you sleep too long, you get what is called "sleep inertia."

This is when you feel heavy, it is hard for you to focus, and your mind is sluggish. It is essentially the winding down of activity in the brain's prefrontal cortex. If you nap too long, it can take thirty minutes or more to "reboot" and overcome this sleep inertia.

A Power Nap Routine

Ready for a simple two-step routine for power napping? This is taken from research discount military/le sales at the Loughborough University in the UK.

Step one: Relax and drink a cup of coffee.

Step Two: Close your eyes and let yourself fall asleep for 15 minutes.

Your body takes time to process the caffeine in the coffee, so you get your nap or your "micro-sleep" in, and the caffeine hits just as you are ready to wake up and get back to work. Sleep deprived subjects were used for the research, and they reported feeling very refreshed following this routine. This kind of power nap will likely work for those who are not as sleep deprived as well.

Can't Fall Asleep?

You may have trouble falling asleep quickly. Fifteen minutes spent relaxing and daydreaming may have benefits, but what if you really want to sleep during that power nap? Try brainwave entrainment CDs. Listen to these CDs (the good ones), and your brainwaves slow automatically, putting you into deep meditative state - or asleep in my case.

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